Hoy he decidido bajarme de la montña rusa, solo sera un momento. Ahora no estoy ni arriba, ni abajo. Ahora estoy en casa, en mi burbuja, conmigo.
Para estos momentos, nadie mejor que Doves, que su disco "Lost Souls"
Quizás hubiera sido más apropiada "Caught by the river", pero para no repetir, elijo este temazo, de estos genios.
Every day it comes to this
Catch the things you might have missed
You say, get back to yesterday
I ain't ever going back
Back to the place that I can't stand
But I miss the way you lie
I'm always misunderstood
Pulled apart and ripped in two
But I miss the way you lie
Catch the sun, before it's gone
Here it comes, up in smoke and gone
Catch the sun, it never comes
Cry in the sand, lost in the fire
I never really understood
Why I didn't feel so good
But I miss the way you lie
I've always been up and down
Never wanted to hit the ground
But I miss the way you lie
Catch the sun, before it's gone
Here it comes, up in smoke and gone
Catch the sun, it never comes
Cry in the sand, lost in the fire
Mañana volvere a la montaña rusa, a ver en que lugar me dejan incorporarme...
Catch the sun, before it's gone
Here it comes, up in smoke and gone
Catch the sun, it never comes
Besos, sobretodo, besos.
Now playing: Doves - Caught by the river
via FoxyTunes
miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2008
"Catch the sun"
martes, 16 de septiembre de 2008
"My list"
Muchas veces, una canción dice más de lo que pensabamos, dice más de lo que debe.
Hoy, ha tocado estar en la parte baja de la montaña rusa, no se por cuanto tiempo, pero a ratos, estaba ahí suspendido, sin querer relanzarme, sin querer coger impulso.
Todo iba pasando, y cuando menos lo esperaba, he subido, me he impulsado.
Siempre, esté arriba o esté abajo, tendré a "The Killers" y su disco "Sam's town".
Subid el volumen, y sobretodo, leed esa letra, esa letra que tanto he querido repetir hoy....
Let me wrap myself around you
Let you show me how I see
And when you come back in from nowhere
Do you ever think of me?
Your heart is not able
Let me show you how much I care
I need those eyes to turn me over
I'll take your picture when I go
It gives me strength and gives me patience
But I'll never let you know
I got nothing on you baby
But I always said I'd try
Let me show you how much I care
Sometimes it gets hard, and don't you know
Don't give the ghost up, just clench your fist
You should have known by now
You are on my list
Don't give the ghost up, just clench your fist
You should have known by now
You were on my list
Don't give the ghost up, just clench your fist
You should have known by now
You were on my list
And your heart is not able
And your prayers, they're not fabled
Let me show you (Let me show you)
Let me show you (Let me show you)
Let me show you how much I care
I'll take your picture when I go
It gives me strength and gives me patience
But I'll never let you know
I got nothing on you baby
But I always said I'd try
Let me show you how much I care
Yo no lo hubiera dicho mejor....
Mañana, tocará subir, poco a poco, pero tocará estar arriba ;)
Besos y abrazos.
Now playing: Natalie Imbruglia - Starting today
via FoxyTunes
9/16/2008 11:43:00 p. m.
Etiquetas: Música, The Killers
domingo, 14 de septiembre de 2008
Cielo e infierno
No se donde me llevarás, si serás un angel caido, o me llevarás contigo al cielo donde solo contigo quiero estar.
sábado, 13 de septiembre de 2008
Concierto Coldplay
Apoteósico, esa es la mejor palabra que hoy, he encontrado para definir el concierto. Iba con dudas, lo reconozco. Ya los vi en 2005, y estaba tan entregado, que pensé que mi visión del concierto era distorsionada, demasiado falsa. Esta vez, 3 años después, algunos conciertos, y muchas cosas vividas atrás, iba con la idea de observar, de intentar calibrar, valorar, pero sin dejar de disfrutar.
El problema, es que esta actitud me duró media canción, ni siquiera pude impedir dejarme llevar a mitad de "Life In Technicolor", y claro, cuando sonó un "Was a long and dark December..." ("Violet hill") ya no pude impedir que se me pusieran los pelos de punta.
Podría repasar canción por canción, incluido ese extraño remix que hicieron (extraño reconozco que es sutil. No me gustó, sobretodo por incluir la maravillosa "God put a smile upon your face" que la esperaba en su versión habitual, pero creo que es algo que sirvió para darle al concierto un toque diferente, un añadido) pero esto no es una revista musical, ni yo un periodista que va oyendo las canciones mientras va anotando defectos, olvidando sensaciones...
Sin duda, para mí, el momento más emocionante fue The Scientist, en acústico, impresionante, lo dije antes de llegar, y se cumplió, en alguna, un lagrimón cae, y efectivamente, no pude evitar emocionarme, fue un climax para un concierto más movido de lo habitual, y en el cual, cante más que nunca.
Por cierto, creo que esta claro que "Yellow" es una gran canción, y por supuesto no puede fallar, pero espero algún día, poder ver "Shiver" en directo. Si alguno de los que leéis esto os pasa lo mismo, por favor, cuando la gente pida "Yellow" pedid "Shiver"!!!! jajajaja
No lleve cámara, así que nada de fotos, la gente con los que fui, si las llevó asi que cuando las tenga, pondremos algo, pero bueno, la idea era disfrutar, y muchas veces, acabas tan distraido con la cámara, que olvidas donde estás.
Una pequeño lamento sobre eso, algunas veces, era imposible ver algo entre tanta cámara, eso si, podías ver cada escena en muchas pantallitas...
Os copio el set-list que he sacado de Coldplaying.com:
Life In Technicolor
Violet Hill
In My Place
Speed Of Sound
Cemeteries Of London
Chinese Sleep Chant
Fix You
Strawberry Swing
Talk (partial - techno version)
God Put A Smile Upon Your Face (partial - techno version)
The Hardest Part (piano - Chris)
Postcards From Far Away (piano instrumental)
Viva La Vida
The Scientist (acoustic)
Death Will Never Conquer (acoustic - Will singing)
Viva La Vida (remix interlude)
Politik including Gnossienne n° 1 (Erik Satie Cover - Piano)
Lovers In Japan
Death And All His Friends
The Escapist
Os paso un par de articulos sobre el concierto, pero bueno, simplemente haciendo una busqueda por youtube, veris la cantidad de videos que hay.
Youtube - Coldplay madrid 2008
El País, Yo periodista, ÁNGEL MARTÍNEZ
La fiesta del pop - La opión de Zamora
Como resumen, acabé entregado, sin defensa, y al terminar, según salia del pabellón, no solo mi estomago estaba lleno de mariposas... (Los que fuisteis, lo entendereis ;) )
Besos, muchos besos.
Now playing: Coldplay - Shiver - Live 2003
via FoxyTunes
9/13/2008 03:38:00 p. m.
Etiquetas: Coldplay, conciertos, Madrid
viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2008
"God put a smile upon your face"
Bueno, en unas horas estaré, de nuevo, camino de Madrid.
El domingo además, espero ver a Coldplay en directo, y espero y deseo, que se marquen este temazo del A rush of blood to the head.
En 2005, un "vamos a bailar" con el típico acento inglés de chris martin, precedio a esta maravilla, a ver que dice esta vez...
Where do we go nobody knows?
I've gotta say I'm on my way down
God give me style and give me grace
God put a smile upon my face
Where do we go to draw the line?
I've gotta say I wasted all your time, honey honey
Where do I go to fall from grace?
God put a smile upon your face, yeah
And ah
When you work it out I'm worse than you
When you work it out I wanted to
And ah
When you work out where to draw the line
Your guess is as good as mine
Where do we go nobody knows?
Don't ever say you're on your way down when
God gave you style and gave you grace
God put a smile upon your face
And ah
When you work it out I'm worse than you
When you work it out I wanted to
And ah
When you work out where to draw the line
Your guess is as good as mine
It's as good as mine
It's as good as mine
It's as good as mine
As good as mine
As good as mine
As good as mine
As good as mine
Where do we go nobody knows?
Don't ever say you're on your way down when
God gave you style and gave you grace
God put a smile upon your face
Hasta pronto!!!!
Now playing: Coldplay - See You Soon
via FoxyTunes
jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2008
"Somebody told me"
Llevo unos dias subido en una montaña rusa (yo me lo he buscado...), y no se como estaré dentro de un rato, por si acaso, canción de subidón, de esas de quemar altavoces y consumir vatios a "tuti-plén".
Fue la primera canción que escuché de The Killers y su disco debut; Hot Fuss
La canción es sencillamente un trallazo, irrepetible.
Subid los altavoces, y no rompais nada mientras saltais...
Breaking my back just to know your name
seventeen tracks and I've had it with this game
I'm breaking my back just to know your name
but heaven ain't close in a place like this
anything goes but don't blink you might miss
'Cause heaven ain't close in a place like this
I said heaven ain't close in a place like this
bring it back down, bring it back down tonight
never thought I'd let a rumor ruin my moonlight
Somebody told me
you had a boyfriend
who looked like a girlfriend
that I had in February of last year
it's not confidential
I've got potential
Ready? Let's roll onto something new
taking its toll and I'm leaving without you
'cause heaven ain't close in a place like this
I said heaven ain't close in a place like this
bring it back down, bring it back down tonight
never thought I'd let a rumor ruin my moonlight
Somebody told me
you had a boyfriend
who looked like a girlfriend
that I had in February of last year
it's not confidential
I've got potential
a rushin', a rushin' around
Pace yourself from me
I said maybe, baby please
but I just don't know now
when all I wanna do is try
Somebody told me
you had a boyfriend
who looked like a girlfriend
that I had in February of last year
it's not confidential
I've got potential
a rushin', a rushin' around
Somebody told me
you had a boyfriend
who looked like a girlfriend
that I had in February of last year
it's not confidential
I've got potential
a rushin', a rushin' around
Somebody told me
you had a boyfriend
who looked like a girlfriend
that I had in February of last year
it's not confidential
I've got potential
a rushin', a rushin' around
Now playing: Albert Hammond, Jr. - Bargain Of The Century
via FoxyTunes
9/04/2008 07:34:00 p. m.
Etiquetas: Música, The Killers
"See these bones"
Me extraño la primera vez que escuche esta canción. Posee algo mágico, nostalgia y melancolia con un toque de "felicidad"... no se, es simplemente genial.
Nada mejor para empezar el nuevo disco de Nada Surf, llamado Lucky.
Después de Coldplay, puede que sean mi próximo concierto, aunque aún no esta claro...
Everyone is right
And no one is sorry
That's the start and the end of the story
From the sharks and the jets
To the call in the morning
Everyone is right
And no one is sorry
That's the start and the end of the story
From the sharks and the jets
To the call in the morning
And life is just bets anyway
Look alive
See these bones
What you are now we were once
Try as they might
No one is immune to
Misfiring and acting on the wrong clues
And thinking this time to re-do, re-do
I feel rain in the movies
And the talk before the screen lights
I hear strings in the park
I don't like to call or write
Except when is too late at night and
I mostly just think in the dark
Look alive
See these bones
What you are now we were once
Just like we are
You will be dust
Just like we are
You look too tired to eat
too hungry to sleep
Just imagine the speed
It is just what you need
Look at life
You see these bones
What you are now
We were once
and just like we are
You will be dust
Just like we are
The lights in the city
Are more or less blinking
This side of the story
Decides what you are thinking
Warm arms and cold faces
we're squinting, we're hurrying
We are taking inventory
We're digging and we're burying it.
Do you remember when the light was low?
Do you remember when it fell?
Do you remember when we went to her house?
Remember ringing the bell?
Look alive
See these bones
What you are now
We were once
Just like we are
You will be dust
Just like we are
Besos, muchos besos.
Now playing: Eddie Vedder - End Of The Road
via FoxyTunes
martes, 2 de septiembre de 2008
No se si acabaré quemandome, no lo se. Pero incluso aunque lo haga, incluso aunque acabe detenido en una de las bajadas, aunque acabe como uno de tantos mosquitos en una noche de verano; siempre me quedará tu fuego, aunque sea en el recuerdo, aunque sea como una quemadura perenne en mi corazón.